About the StEPS Initiative Course

Summary Overview (click create an account above to get started or keep scrolling for more information)

  • 1

    Racism in Dance

    • Welcome from Apolla

    • Introduction and Meet Melissa McDaniel

    • Lesson 1: ARTivism

    • Lesson 2: Remember Words Matter

    • Lesson 3: Shift Your Policies on Appearance

    • Lesson 4: Intentional Marketing and Recruitment to Families of Color

    • Lesson 5: Studio Culture

    • Lesson 6: Teach History

    • Lesson 7: Capitalize on Opportunities

    • Lesson 8: Diversify

    • Lesson 9: Equity Lens

    • Lesson 10: Education and Exposure

    • In Closing...Time for Action!

    • Just a Few Further Resources Available for You

  • 2

    Sexual Abuse Awareness, Prevention & Response

    • Welcome & History of YPAD

    • Lesson 2: What is Sexual Abuse

    • Lesson 3: What are the Warning Signs

    • Lesson 4: Meet Lisa Phelps

    • Lesson 5: Why Does Sexual Abuse Happen in Dance

    • Lesson 6: How to Report

    • Lesson 7: What If I'm Not Sure? Where Do I Go?

    • Lesson 8: What If Someone Reports Abuse To Me?

    • Lesson 9: Why Report

    • Thank You & Learn More About YPAD

  • 3

    Bringing Dance Science to the Studio

    • Dance Science in the Dance Studio Intro

    • Lesson 1: Not As Scary as You Think: Making Science Accessible for Dance Studio Staff with Jeffrey A. (Jeff) Russell, PhD, AT, FIADMS

    • Lesson 2: Basics on how to introduce Dance Science in your Studio with Claire Farmer, BA (hons), MSc

    • Lesson 3: What is Safe in Dance? With Safe in Dance International, Maggie Morris and Sonia Rafferty

    • Lesson 4: Injury Prevention 101, Coming Back to the Studio from Dr. Meredith Butulis, DPT, OCS, C-EP, CSCS

    • Lesson 5: Considerations for injury prevention with Dr. Emily Twitchett

    • Lesson 6: What to do About the Butt? Gluteal Activation for Dancers from Susan Haines, MFA, IASTM, NKT, FMT

    • Lesson 7: Myth About Early Specialization in Dance Leading to Better Outcomes with Dr. Ana B Freire Ribeiro

    • Introduction to the New Ground Series: Redefining Today's Dancer

    • The New Ground Series: Redefining Today's Dancer - EPISODE 1: INTRODUCTION TO THE SERIES




    • Lesson 8: Wrapping Up with More Resources from Jan Dunn, MS

  • 4

    Gender, Inclusion, & Integration in Dance

    • Introduction to Integrative Dance & Gender Inequities in Dance

    • Downloadable Sensory Processing Slides next 6 Lessons

    • Lesson 1: Sensory Integration Intro with Tricia Gomez

    • Lesson 2: Tactile Processing

    • Lesson 3: Auditory Processing

    • Lesson 4: Visual Processing

    • Lesson 5: Proprioception Processing

    • Lesson 6: Vestibular Processing

    • Continue Your Education

    • TakeAway handout (PDF). From the "Men in Dance Symposium: Bridging the Gap" (NDEO). West Virginia University, June 29, 2017.

    • "Asking New Questions: Gender Inequities in Dance Education" by Doug Risner, PhD, MFA

    • WHEN BOYS DANCE "Cultural Resistance and Male Privilege in Dance Education" 2016 - Presentation for dance and the Child international by Doug Risner Doug Risner, PhD, MFA

    • Further Resources from Doug Risner, PhD, MFA

    • Erin Pride's Dance Boss Podcast with Tricia Gomez

    • You have completed the course!

  • 5

    Nutrition & Eating Disorders

    • Meet Kristin Koskinen, RDN, LDN, LD, CD

    • Introduction to Orthorexia

    • When Healthy Eating Isn't Healthy

About the StEPS Initiative Course

This course started in part with our charity event we created to save dance studios. Then we decided to keep it a free resource for the dance community. You can learn all about it below.

As part of our commitment to education and creating a safe space for all dancers, we are excited to introduce the StEPS Initiative Course. This has been curated by Apolla and donated from experts and professionals in each topic. 

Our goal in creating this course is to give dance teachers continuing education/professional development, give dancers the power of education, and provide parents the knowledge to see red flags. Each section has actionable items that can unite dance studios focused on equity and creating a safe space for every dancer. This course gives evidence-based information, some perspective & qualitative information, dance history, and further resources that can help you learn something new that helps progress and strengthen your studio OR solidify what you already have in place. There is something for everyone! 

This course is free for EVERYONE (Apolla has covered the cost and the presenters have donated the course content). These are meant to be introductions and actionable items for you. We know this is not a silver bullet to fix every issue or topic that needs to be addressed in dance. Each topic is deep and broad on its own. However, we aim for this to be the first step for some of us in these topics and even serves as a small catalyst for change in our industry. You will see there are also many resources that can allow you to expand your journey further in any of the subjects. With all that 2020 has thrown at all of us, we are determined to heal through listening, grow from adversity through action, and rise up by bringing everyone together. In the end, we will create a space open wide for the new generation of artists and athletes to ring in the new decade stronger and safer than ever!

Course FAQs for the course below. 

Let's Get Started!

All you have to do is create an account, verify your email, and log in to get started. There is no cost to you to create an account.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to email us at [email protected]

  • This is incredible and informative education! I want my staff and teachers to take this too! Can they take it for free too?

    YES! Apolla curated this to create and enact change in our beloved dance community. We want this shared with everyone! So you are more than welcome to share the link. Please have them create their own account to take the course.

  • How will you know I completed the course?

    You will need to complete each lesson and chapter to move through the course. There is a short survey at the end of the course that shows you completed it.

  • Do I have to do this all in one sitting?

    Nope! You create an account and the platform will keep track of where you are in the course. So you can take your time to complete. Please don't think this is just an hour course, please consider this as continuing education and professional development and give yourself space and time to take in the information.